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Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
Aug 31, 20223 min read
Dietitian-Approved Tips for Balanced and Mindful Meals
With all the misinformation out there surrounding nutrition, dieting, and how to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it is NO wonder so many...

Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
Mar 28, 20222 min read
Finding Ourselves Outside of Diet Culture
If we can let go of cultural expectations & the need to conform we can find ourselves in the rubble and re-learn how to listen to ourselves

Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
Mar 27, 20223 min read
A Dietitian's Take on “Health Alternatives” like Frozen Grapes
A dietitians take on “healthy alternatives”

Amber Whittemore
Apr 22, 20212 min read
Nourishing our Mental Health
I have seen a trend with my clients these past few weeks, and felt a shift personally, towards emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue, and...

Amber Whittemore
Apr 21, 20212 min read
Balanced eating isn’t ALL or NOTHING!
Within the SAME DAY, you can choose foods that nourish your body, while simultaneously choosing foods that satisfy your taste buds and...

Amber Whittemore
Apr 7, 20213 min read
Move for the JOY of it!
Movement is meant to be enjoyed, a celebration of what our body can do, and a means of optimizing our overall health and well-being! So,...

Amber Whittemore
Mar 29, 20212 min read
Respecting our Bodies
The problem is NOT your body. The problem is our culture! The culture that from the beginning teaches us to dislike and change our...

Amber Whittemore
Mar 22, 20213 min read
✨Coping with your emotions with KINDNESS
Using food to cope? You're not alone! According to Intuitive Eating researchers, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, the most common...

Amber Whittemore
Mar 11, 20212 min read
Discover SATISFACTION with food!
This tenant is the hub of intuitive eating, it is all about actually ENJOYING and finding SATISFACTION from your food! I know, it can be...

Amber Whittemore
Feb 28, 20213 min read
🚔 CHALLENGE the Food Police
This tenant of Intuitive Eating is all about rejecting the rules that have been created and are policed by diet culture. When we do this,...

Amber Whittemore
Feb 21, 20215 min read
Making Peace with Food
This week we are back with tenant number 3 (out of 10) of Intuitive Eating; make peace with food. Check out the previous two posts if you...

Amber Whittemore
Feb 3, 20213 min read
Start Honouring Your Hunger, Today!
Today we are chatting about tenant #2 out of the 10 Intuitive Eating tenants! Head back to the previous post about "ditching diet...

Amber Whittemore
Jan 30, 20213 min read
Intuitive Eating: Rejecting the Diet Mentality!
You folks know I am a huge proponent of intuitive eating, and since working with clients on this concept I have come to realize A LOT of...

Amber Whittemore
Jan 26, 20215 min read
This is Why: Diets Don't Work
Let me start off by saying: if you have ever felt like a failure after not complying with the rigid rules of a diet, felt like a "bad...
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