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Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
Jun 13, 20212 min read
Insights from an ED survivor #3: The one about EMOTIONS!
The day I learned that it is okay (normal, human, & encouraged) to have and manage messy emotions, is the day I realized that I had...

Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
May 19, 20212 min read
Insights from an ED survivor #2: The one about ENJOYING FOOD!
**warning: eating disorder TW** I gave myself permission to listen to my body, trust in its processes, and respect its needs ABOVE ED’s...

Amber Whittemore RD, BSc, MHSc
May 19, 20212 min read
Insights from an ED survivor #1: The one about MOVEMENT!
**warning: eating disorder TW** Movement does not need to be sweaty, painful, energy zapping, guilt driven, daily, punishment, or...

Amber Whittemore
Apr 22, 20212 min read
Nourishing our Mental Health
I have seen a trend with my clients these past few weeks, and felt a shift personally, towards emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue, and...
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